
Hello and welcome to my website!

My name is Valeri (“Dr. Val”) Chukhlomin and I am Full Professor and Academic Coordinator of online studies at SUNY’s Empire State University. For more than 30 years, I have been teaching business, economics, and management related topics in Russia, Australia, and since 2006 in the U.S. In recent years, I have taught Career Self-Management and Personal Branding, International Business, International Marketing, Cross-Cultural Management, International Political Economy, Marketing Strategy (capstone), as well as Scanning the Business Environment, Strategic Executive Leadership (capstone), and Strategic Global Management for MBA. I also coordinate online studies in marketing offered by the SUNY’s ESU’s School of Business.  Additionally, in the last 9 years I have become heavily involved in designing and producing Coursera MOOCs. This site is primarily intended to provide the College community with information about me as an educator, mentor, researcher, and consultant.

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Latest news

February 5, 2025. A new working paper posted on SSRN: “Learner Voices in Online Career Development: A Survey-Based Examination of the CSM Project on Coursera (2014-2024). Courses 1 and 2“. Link: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5057531.

January 3, 2025. A new working paper posted on SSRN: “Project Lawrence: Transforming Prior Learning Assessment Through AI.” Link: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=5059729

January 2, 2025. It is official now! After piloting it in 2024, the course and associated SUNY Microcredential have been officially launched! Link here.

December 12, 2024. After teaching on Coursera for over 10 years, I completed my first course as a learner. There is always something to learn from distinguished colleagues from Wharton!

October 17, 2024. NotebookLM podcasts’ new functionality is good for shaping thematic shows. Check out this one about our ten-year report on the outcomes of the Career Self-Management project on Coursera. Link.

October 15, 2024. A new paper called “Socratic Prompts: Engineered Dialog as a Tool for AI-Enhance Educational Inquiry” was published by Latin American Business and Sustainability Review.

October 7, 2024. A presentation at eLearn24 in Singapore. This time I did it using an avatar and a podcast. Also, a conference paper. Link.

September 20, 2024. A new text, “AI-Driven Strategies for Local Businesses in the Global Economy” has been published on Amazon.com. ISBN 979-8337879567. Also, available as Kindle.

August 27, 2024. A new working paper written in collaboration with Victoria Vernon is posted on SSRN: Career Self-Management and Personal Branding on Coursera: Ten Years in the Making (2014-2024). Link.

May 11, 2024. A new working paper posted on SSRN: Conceptualizing AI-Driven Learning Strategies for non-IT professionals: From EMERALD Framework to a Sample Course Design. Link.

April 25, 2024. A new quick research note just posted on SSRN. The title is: “Cowboys and Aliens in the Digital Frontier: The Emergence of Techno-Social Learning in AI-Enhanced Communities of Practice”. Link:

April  16, 2024. A new working paper just posted on SSRN. The title is ‘Exploring the Use of Custom GPTs in Higher Education Strategic Planning: A Preliminary Field Report”. I created two custom GPT – the Strategic Advisor GPT (trained on strategic plan documents) and the Expert Panel GPT representing a team of C-suite members. Then, I emulated a strategic planning process focused on developing an AI strategy for a higher education institution. The paper describes the experiment, provides insights, and recommendations. Link SSRN.

April 15, 2024. A new conceptual paper just posted on SSRN. It is called “Tailoring Generative AI Integration to Institutional Specifics: Introducing the EMERALD-RING Framework”. This is an extension of the previous model that incorporates four additional components to more fully account for the unique characteristics of educational institutions. Link SSRN:

March 29, 2024.  Just posted a new conceptual working paper on the SSRN website.  The paper introduces the EMERALD-GenAI-CMM-OAL Framework, a comprehensive roadmap for developing educational institutions’ AI strategy, to assess, plan, and integrate generative AI technologies systematically. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/g7gFjxAD

March 4, 2024. In my presentation for SUNY Online dedicated to the global OPEN Education Week, I attempted to map my learning journey aimed at revising three Coursera courses with the use of Generative AI in 2023. Slides.

February 28, 2024. In my presentation at the SUNY Online Summit, I highlighted the significant achievements of SUNY Empire’s career skills training initiative, which has expanded its reach both across New York State and globally, emphasizing its impact on working adults eager to thrive in a skill-based economy. For the first time ever, I delegated the talk to my avatar. Video. Slides.

February 20, 2024. In this session with Anita DeCianni-Brown, the Career Development Coordinator at SUNY Empire, we focused on using AI to help students’ job search, including what to do and what not to do if they want to stand out in today’s job market and learn about trends, tools, and techniques. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to improve your skills or a recent graduate trying to find a job, this program will give you the information and skills you need to succeed in the ever-changing world of AI and work.

February 10, 2024. I am working on a custom GPT to help faculty members build and understand their AI skills through a detailed report card. It gathers information from a CV or dialogue to analyze AI skills, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. The tool also recommends resources for further development in AI proficiency. ChatGPT Plus users can access it here: https://lnkd.in/g7W2uw_c.

February 5, 2024.  Being invited by the university’s CMLAI, Prof. Chandra and I gave an hour-long talk about custom GPTs and their application in effective mentoring. Due to privacy concerns, we are unable to share the use cases. Still, you might find our slide deck useful (available on Linkedin and Slideshare).

November 10, 2023. I am excited to be part of the 2nd Round Judging Panel for the 2023 QS Reimagine Education Awards, recognizing projects that are transforming the educational landscape – enhancing student learning outcomes, boosting employability, and advances in sustainable education. Join me at the Reimagine Education Conference to learn from experts and engage with innovators. More details can be found at https://www.reimagine-education.com/

October 23, 2023. A revised version of “Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding” is live on Coursera! In this transformative course, students will master the essential techniques of self-marketing and personal branding that are critical for success in the contemporary job market. The course, part of a broader specialization on career self-management training and certification, introduces a comprehensive approach to strategic self-marketing, including the innovative use of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) for self-coaching. So far, the course has enrolled more than 44,000 learners worldwide.

July 31, 2023. A revised version of “Building and Managing Superior Skills” is live on Coursera! The new version offers critical insights into strategies for skills-based hiring, enabling learners to identify and analyze job-specific skills in their chosen field. Learners will establish a systematic process for auditing and advancing their skills and boosting professional agility. Throughout this course, learners will become familiar with Generative AI as a forward-thinking tool for skills assessment, self-assessment, and development. So far, the course enrolled more than 25,000 learners worldwide.

June 30, 2023. Meet Walt, my new AI-generated course assistant. Using MidJourney, ChatGPT, ElevenLabs, and D-ID, Walt helps me deliver presentations. His English is perfect!

May 31, 2023. A revised version of “Strategic Career Self-Management” is live on Coursera! In this open, on-demand course, students learn how to think strategically and professionally about their career self-management. Through this course they will develop an objective, external view of their marketable skills as a solid foundation for building a strong career brand. So far, the course enrolled more than 40,000 learners worldwide.

May 1, 2023. This year Coursera introduced Coursera Coach ( a student’s co-pilot) and Hiring Solutions. The HR tool is very well aligned with J.A.F.A.R., the model I utilized in my “How to Get Skilled” course on Coursera.

January 29, 2023. It has been two busy months dedicated to Chat GPT and related AI. A new age has finally come! The image below is my first experience with Midjourney. It took me less than 10 minutes to create a funny illustration representing an academic procession in the College and mimicking Rubens’ oil paintings.

The new College’s President inauguration: dedicated to Rubens. Midjourney / Val Chukhlomin, Jan 2023

October 31, 2022. After a long break, I was able to attend a live conference and present a poster on the recent project developments. The photo is a courtesy of professor Bidhan Chandra.

August 19, 2022. After many months of revision, I am re-launching the specialization on Coursera under a new name (below). I am hoping to complete the transition during 2022-2023. So far, more than 150,000 learners from 200+ countries enrolled in the specialization and standing alone courses.

June 30, 2022.

May 4-5, 2022. During this year’s Coursera Conference, the platform introduced LevelSets and Clips. These new tools are very well aligned with the approach utilized in my earlier “How to Get Skilled” course on Coursera.

April 4-6, 2022. This year’s ASU-GSV has been an excellent event for anyone interested in skills and education technologies.

March 28, 2022.  ADLC-6105 Career Self-Management: Training and Development is a new course in the SUNY Empire’s Adult Learning program.

The course goal is to guide students through the development and implementation of a career self-management project aimed at identifying, benchmarking, evaluating, peer-reviewing, documenting, presenting, and improving job-related skills. Besides career builders, this course will also be beneficial for career coaches, advisors, managers, and policy makers, as it is research-based and can provide insights into recent trends in workforce development in a global context in the post-pandemic world. The accompanying text is available on Amazon.com and Kindle.

March 11, 2022. The American Dream Academy is a new national initiative associated with Coursera and supported by IBM, Google, and some of the leading universities. It is a tuition-free, six-month online program, with a mission to help learners gain the skills needed to pursue a great job or continue education. I am glad to report that one of my seven Coursera courses is included in the program.

January 28, 2022. The first undergraduate micro credential goes live! The College has awarded it to 89 course completers. I am very proud to have initiated and led this effort. Overall, more than 800 students completed this 4-credit course after its launch in 2014.

January 4, 2022. SUNY Empire State College has announced its first-ever undergraduate micro credential which is based on my course. Hopefully, in the future many more students will be able to enhance their skills  and manage employability.

July 28-29, 2021. Just joined OPEN SKILLS Network (OSN) and attended their Skills Summit.  So great to learn about the emerging Skills-Based Learning-Earning Ecosystem, very much in line with my own work in the last 5-6 years.

April 23, 2021. A joint presentation with Dean Julie Gedro and Professor Bidhan Chandra for SUNY Business School Deans’ Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom. PPT.

April 19-21, 2021. This year’s Coursera Conference was again virtual and quite interesting. I’ll use the new SkillSet tool when revising my Coursera specialization later this year. So far, 10K+ learners enrolled in the specialization as a whole and another 90K+ learners enrolled in standing alone courses.

April 5, 2021. It’s been 15 years since I joined SUNY, feels like yesterday!

January 27, 2021. A joint article (with Marina Thomas)  “Supporting Faculty Development in Technology-Enhanced Accounting and Business Education: A TPACK-Powered, Competence-in-Action Framework” has been published in  The Journal of Accounting and Finance, 20(7), 2020, pp. 139-153.  Full text.

December 2-8, 2020. Reimagine Education 2020, the world’s Oscar in Higher Education Innovation, has started its showcasing week. Here is our virtual booth:

November 19, 2020. A new article Running a College on the Side: Reflections on My Engagement With Coursera” has appeared in “All About Mentoring“. Full text.

November 17, 2020. A joint article with Marina Thomas has been published in the CITE proceedings:

October 31, 2020. The College has approved my sabbatical request for Fall 2021 to revise and update a successful Career Brand Management specialization on Coursera that by today has enrolled close to 90,000 learners worldwide. The idea is to link it to the micro certificate in the College and extend to the 80,000-strong College alumni, as well as for SUNY at large.

October 23, 2020. The College’s Senate has approved my proposal for creating a new micro certificate in Career Self-Management and Self-Marketing. Time to launch!

October 12, 2020. My project “How to Get Skilled: Using a Scalable, Online Training Lab for Effective Career Self-Management and Personal Branding” has been shortlisted by Reimagine Education 2020, the world “Oscar’s in Higher Education Innovation”. According to the organizers, only 12% of 1,500 applications have made it to the final round that is scheduled for December 9-11th. Time to get ready with a promo video!

September 27, 2020. I am deeply honored and very proud to receive 2019-2020 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, the highest level of recognition for faculty service in the SUNY system (which is the largest public education system in the U.S.)

August 24, 2020. Reimagine Education 2020, the world “Oscar’s in Higher Education Innovation” is calling for applications! After taking a break in 2017-2019, I am participating with a project called “How to Get Skilled: Using a Scalable, Online Training Lab for Effective Career Self-Management and Personal Branding”.

July 16, 2020. The interim results of a joint project “Accounting and Business Faculty Development in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments” are available for comments on SSRN at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3634713.

June 3, 10 and 17, 2020. With Prof. Bidhan Chandra and Assessment Specialist Amy Giaculli, I am virtually presenting at this year’s NAFSA.

June 1, 2020. Enrollments have surpassed 100,000 learners in my six active Coursera courses!

May 2020. Getting ready to present at NAFSA 2020 on the updated iMOOC. Presentations are scheduled for May 26-27.

May 2020. Our Coursera iMOOC is getting an update! The new title is: “Mastering Remote Work and Online Study in USA in the Post-COVID Era”.

May 2020. A new edition of my textbook for MRKT 4050 Career Self-Management and Personal Branding is available on Amazon.com.

May 2020. How to Get Skilled is selected by Coursera as part of their worldwide COVID-19 response. The course companion text is now available on kindle.

April 2020. Marina Thomas and I virtually presented an article at SITE-2020 conference in New Orleans, LA. Introducing TCA-TPACK: A Conceptual Framework for Faculty Development in Technology-Enhanced Accounting and Business Education.

September-November 2019. Once again, I am serving as a judge for the Reimagine-Education worldwide competition of higher learning innovation. This is truly a breeding ground for the next generation of virtual learning.

May 2018. With Alena Rodick, we discussed the results of the latest MOOC at SUNY CIT in Cortland, NY.

May 29. 2018. A brand new course” How to Get Skilled: Introduction to Individual Skills Management” has been completed and is now live on Coursera! Below is a promo video starring Amy Giaculli as a narrator. In addition to the course, there is a companion text and a companion website.

December 2017. With Anant Deshpande, I presented at the annual IADIS conference in Sydney, Australia. MOOC AS A LABORATORY OF CULTURE SHOCK: HELPING NON-U.S. STUDENTS INTEGRATE INTO ALL-AMERICAN VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT.”

November 27, 2017. A new article just published! Anant Deshpande & Valeri Chukhlomin (2017): “What Makes a Good MOOC: A Field Study of Factors Impacting Student Motivation to Learn”, American Journal of Distance Education, No, 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/08923647.2017.1377513

July 1, 2017. I have joined the newly formed SUNY ESC School of Business as Full Professor of Marketing and International Business. A new beginning!

June 2017. A new SUNY IITG grant ($67,500) has been obtained. The task is to develop a new, intermediate level course to complete the successful Coursera specialization.

March 23, 2017. I attended the annual Coursera Partners’ meeting in Denver, CO. Presentation.

December, 2016. An article in the Journal of Business, Management and Economics provides some detail about the ongoing iMOOC Project on Coursera. Download.

December, 2016. Our Career Management specialization has been shortlisted for a very prestigious, QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Award (also known as “The Oscar in Higher Education Innovation”). Unfortunately, this year I cannot attend the event in Philadelphia!

June 1-2, 2016. With Dr. Bidhan Chandra, I presented at NAFSA in Denver, CO, the largest international education conference in the world. Then, we repeated the presentation at the NAFSA Region X Conference in Saratoga Springs, NY.

May 29, 2016. Career Total Fitness Annual Retreat goes live! All four courses have been launched. Right now, there are close to 30,000 students from 168 countries in courses 1-3.

April 15, 2016. Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding is now live!

March 26, 2016. Career Brand Management and Self-Coaching goes live!

March 23, 2016. I am going to Coursera Partners’ Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.

March 8, 2016. The updated version of iMOOC is back! A press release by the College.

February 26, 2016Strategic Career Self-Management is now live on Coursera!

December 9, 2015. The iMOOC has been shortlisted for a very prestigious QS-Wharton Award (also known as “The Oscar in Higher Education Innovation”). To present the project, I am heading to Philadelphia!

November 5-7. 2015. Dr. John Beckem II goes to NYC to present our joint paper at the Northeast Economics and Business Conference in NYC.

October 30, 2015. A new project proposal for developing Career Brand Management specialization has been approved by Coursera! With a small team, we have attended the developers’ workshop in Mountain View, CA.

October 19, 2015. Dr. Anant Deshpande presented our joint article “The iMOOC: Investigating Engagement and Global Learners’ Experiences in a Unique Coursera MOOC” at the AACE Global E-Learn Conference in Kona, HI.

September 14, 2015. With Bidhan Chandra, I am getting ready for Sloan-C in Orlando. Here is a link for a sneak preview: “The iMOOC: A Multi User Coursera-based Platform to Support International Online Students in U.S.”

July 22, 2015. The iMOOC project has received $20,000 SUNY IITG support for 2015-2016. Congratulations to the team! The plan is to convert the initial version of the MOOC into an on-demand, Coursera-based resource. We’ll be launching it in the Fall. Below is the 2015 iMOOC introductory video (starring Amy Giaculli, Coordinator of Student Services at CDL)

May 30, 2015. Going to Geneseo, NY, to report on the SUNY IITG grant outcomes at SUNY CIT.

April 15, 2015. I am heading to Hong Kong to conduct a MOOC-making masterclass for local universities hosted by the U.S. Consulate.

March 22, 2015. The first live session iMOOC101 starts tomorrow.  We have close to 5,000 learners enrolled, very exciting! Here is a sneak preview of a faculty lecture (many thanks to Bob Kester for help with narration).

December 19, 2014. Our first course on Coursera goes live! Congratulations to the team and all involved.

November 29, 2014. With my long time friend and colleague Professor Phillip A. Neck, I presented at the 42nd annual conference of the Australia-New Zealand Society on Comparative International Education to provide an overview of our joint Australia-Russia collaborative projects during 1994-2014.

September 1, 2014. My half year sabbatical has finally started! The plan is to work on the SUNY ITTG grant.

August 28, 2014.  Finally, I have finished a draft of my textbook to accompany a new CDL course, Self-Management and Self-Marketing. The course goes live in September 2014.

May-July, 2014.  With a team of my esteemed colleagues from CDL and IP, I have received a Tier 3 SUNY ITTG grant ($57,000). We will develop an open educational resource and a Coursera course for international distance learners in U.S.-based universities. Very exciting and challenging task; my role is Principal Investigator.

January 29-February 2, 2014.  A joint presentation with Silvia Chelala and colleagues from Russian universities at US-Russia Joint/Dual Degree Partnership Network Conference at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson and New York City.

December 2-3, 2013. A poster presentation titled “Developing a Connectivist i-MOOC for International Distance Learners” has been delivered at the annual ASCILITE Conference in Sydney, Australia.

November 16, 2013. A research paper titledStrategies for bridging cross-cultural barriers for international students’ success in American asynchronous online degree programs” and written in collaboration with my esteemed colleagues Anant Deshpande and Bidhan Chandra has been published by the South African Journal of Higher Education (volume 27/6, pp. 1477-1488).

September 23, 2013.  Irina and I contributed a chapter to an edited volume on international education published by Palgrave Macmillan: Chukhlomin, V., & Chukhlomina, I. (2013). Outsourcing global skills development to Australian vocational colleges: A Case study on reverse transnationalization. In Innovation in Business Education in Emerging Countries (Ed. I. Alon, V. Jones, and J. McIntyre), pp. 222-238. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.

February 27, 2013. I have received a SUNY GLOBAL COIL Center Nodal Network Award.

January 12, 2013. A new article has been published by “International Education Studies”.  Chukhlomin, V., & Chukhlomina, I. (2013). Engineering a Business School in a Former Soviet-Era Closed City: The Case of Omsk, Siberia. International Educations Studies, 6(1), 26-45.

November 28, 2012. I presented two short papers at the annual IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) conference in Perth, Western Australia. One short paper called “From TAFE to American University: A Futuristic Exercise in Educational Planning” describes an interesting idea about  international collaboration. Another paper written with Irina Chukhlomina and Marina Thomas describes a series of collaborative projects in Australia.

October 12, 2012. I have published a new book on e-learning (in Russian). The book includes a collection of papers written in 2004-2011 for Russian scholarly journals, as well as some new chapters. (This book is available on Amazon.com.) There is also another edition of this book published by Tomsk University in Russia.

February 11-12, 2012. I have presented a paper, written jointly with Irina Chukhlomina, at the “Innovation in Global Business and Management Education in Emerging and Developing Markets: Pedagogical and Organizational Challenges and Opportunities” Symposium that was held by Georgia Institute of Technology CIBER and Rollins College, Atlanta.

December 5-7, 2011. I have presented a brief paper titled “Because I said So: A Teacher-Centred Approach as a Scaffolding Techniques to Accommodate International Distance Learners in a Student-Centred Environment” at the annual ASCILITE conference in Hobart, Tasmania.

July 21, 2011.  My bilingual study book is now available on Amazon. Link. (the book is currently out of print – please disregard the ridiculous price on the Amazon website. This is not me, and I cannot figure out to get rid of it. You can get the book free from me – V.C). This book is to accompany a bridging, bilingual, online course currently offered by SUNY Empire State College under the title “EDU-232182 International eLearning Skills: Educational Planning Workshop”.

March 14, 2011. With Dr. Anant Deshpande, I presented a virtual brief paper at the Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE) Global Learn Conference, Melbourne, Australia, on the topic: Developing Bridging Bilingual/Bi-cultural Courses (the 3B Framework) to Prepare International Students for the American Online Classroom in an Adult Learning Environment“.

October 19, 2010.  My case study titled “Delivering a SUNY Degree in Siberia: What Works and What Doesn’t from a Host Institution Perspective” has been published by The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education, a UK-based strategic organization that conducts high level research and disseminates emerging trends, best practices, policy frameworks, and assessment and quality assurance information relevant to cross-border higher education program delivery across the globe. Link.

June, 2010. All about Mentoring, an Empire State College journal, has published my article covering some of my educational experiences in Russia. Full text.

March 1, 2010. A customized textbook has been published by McGraw-Hill to accompany my International elearning Skills courses. Two bilingual courses for faculty development (“Teaching Online” and “Developing Online Courses“) have been developed as part of a large-scale research and consultancy project in Eastern Europe sponsored via SUNY Research Foundation.

Faculty website