SUNY Grants

SUNY IITG Tier 3 Grant, May 2017 – June 2018.

Career Brand Management for Everyone: Expanding Access to Career Development Learning by Launching an On-Demand, Competency-Based OPEN SUNY Specialization on Coursera

Awarded Grant: $45,000.00

Principal Investigator: Valeri Chukhlomin, Professor, Empire State College

Project Team:

  • Dr. Dana Gliserman-Kopans, Associate Professor, SUNY Empire State College
  • Dr. Anant Deshpande, Associate Professor, SUNY Empire State College
Project Abstract: Career Brand Management is a four-course, OPEN SUNY specialization on Coursera that supports the professional development and personal enrichment of adult learners, nationally and globally, by providing them with open, on-demand access to academically rigorous and workplace-oriented career development learning. The purpose of the specialization is to enhance employability and foster career self-management skills. The initial manufacturing advance for developing the specialization was provided by Coursera; it supported the launch of the pilot version in 2016. Within the first six months, the specialization enrolled 44,500 learners from 168 countries; the learners reported positive learning outcomes and high levels of satisfaction (95%). In addition, the specialization was shortlisted by QS-Wharton’s Reimagine Education for 2016 Higher Education Innovation Award in the Nurturing Employability category. Building on the overwhelming success of the pilot, the project proposes to review, update, complete, and permanently deploy the specialization on Coursera in 2017-2018 as part of the Open SUNY 2.0 initiative.

Project Outcome: The project has now been successfully deployed as a specialization on Coursera. It has considerably increased access to advanced career self-management learning, as demonstrated by many dozens of thousands enrolled learners, statewide, nationally and globally. The project significantly contributes to non-credit, continuing education of working professionals, and supports it by introducing a verifiable credential (Coursera Certificate). Also, it has resulted in developing new career training methodologies (individual skills management), resources (The Skills Manager Pro), and partnerships (as reported at Coursera Partners conference, the project is already used by businesses and organizations, including a United Nations Agency in NYC).

SUNY IITG Tier 2 Grant, July 2015 – June 2016

iMOOC: A Multiuser Platform for International Online Learners: Phase Two

Awarded Grant: $20,000

Principal Investigator:  Valeri Chukhlomin, Empire State College

iMOOC is a cross-campus collaborative project aimed at preparing international online learners (both on- campus and off-campus) to seamlessly navigate and successfully integrate into U.S. online learning environments by learning about the American culture, American academic system and student-centered pedagogies, and by refining critically important skills and getting familiar with some of the U.S. educational technologies. During Phase One of this project, the project team developed and prepared to launch an OPEN SUNY course iMOOC101: Mastering American eLearning. During Phase Two, the project team proposes to focus on sustainability and scalability of the project by: a) developing and launching a low maintenance, competency-based, on-demand version of the above course; and b) working with partner colleges (both within and outside SUNY) to develop a scalable “adoption model” where iMOOC will be incorporated into preparatory and remedial services for incoming, on-campus and off- campus international students.

Project Team

  • Bidhan Chandra, Empire State College
  • Anant Deshpande, Empire State College
  • Aiko Pletch, SUNY New Paltz
Project Outcome: MOOC posted on Transitioning to on-demand specialization.

SUNY IITG Tier 3 Grant, May 2014 – June 2015
iMOOC: A Multiuser Platform for International Students to Navigate U.S.-style Virtual Learning Environments

Awarded Grant: $57,000

Principal Investigator: Valeri Chukhlomin, Empire State College

This cross-campus collaborative project proposes developing and launching an open access course (iMOOC) with a range of supporting open education resources to prepare international online learners to successfully integrate into virtual learning environments in American universities, including OPEN SUNY. The tentative course title is: “Navigating U.S.-style Virtual Learning Environments: An Introduction to American Culture, Academic System, and Self-Directed Learning”. It will help international students become familiar with and better understand American culture and the academic system, refine critically important skills, learn about virtual learning environments and practice some of the widely utilized in the U.S educational technologies. The course can be an OPEN SUNY tool to attract and retain international online learners; also, to support campus-based international students in U.S. universities. Self-regulation and self-directedness are emphasized, as many international learners come from teacher-centered environments and are not used to student-centered pedagogies employed in many U.S.-based, online courses and programs.

Co-PI’s and Key Partners:

  • Bidhan Chandra, Associate Professor, SUNY Empire State College
  • Anant Deshpande, Assistant Professor, SUNY Empire State College
  • Lorette Pellettiere Calix, Lecturer and Program Director, SUNY Empire State College

Reports and Resources:

Faculty website